Sunday, March 30, 2014

4/1 Short Time Trial Do-Over

We'll be doing the Short Time Trial on Tuesday: The relatively flat,~ 9.4 mile course runs from the South Station Road/Rt 3 intersection in Woodstock down to  Campton.  The finish line will be the big Collision/Auto Body Shop sign on the right (just after the bridge) as you ride south. 

We'll meet at South Station Road to go off at 6pm*, with riders going in order @ 30 second intervals, approximately slower to faster.  Make sure to bring a way to time yourself (whether with your bike computer or just a watch)--we'll be collecting times at the end.

As always, all experience levels welcome.  I'll be riding a road bike with a regular setup, so you certainly don't need a time trial bike or aerobars.

Hope to see you there!  Let me know if you have any questions: mightypemiATgmail

*I'll probably be riding out to the start from the Irving Gas station/Chesley's Pizza in Campton @ 5:15.  Feel free to meet us there to ride out to the start (let me know to look for you on our way out).