Tuesday, May 17, 2016

5/17 Long Time Trial Results

Great night for the first Long Time Trial of the season. Even if the headwind out of the north was expected, the way up to the turn-around probably offered some opportunity for forced positive self-talk.  After the turn-around, riders blasted back to the finish--enough so that John J. and Ann R. and Rachel K-M demolished their PRs by ~4 minutes and ~2:30 respectively (!).  Strong riding everyone.

1) T: John Jurczynski & Ann Rasmussen 46:00 2 points (pr +1)
2) Mark Pitts  47:50 10 points
3) Carl Ring  49:29  9 points
4) Armand Girouard  52:50  8 points
5) Andy Havey  52:54  7 points
6) Ryanne Carmichael  54:50  6 points
7) David Jaffe  55:09 5 points
8) Jordan Greenberg  56:50  4 points
9) Rachel Kelly-Martin  58:30  4 points (pr +1)
10) Ed Giunta ~60 2 points
11) Ted McCahan (Rode up a little later and thought we were doing the Short TT: 25:30)

Next week is the North Groton Rd Hillclimb...

Points List 2016
1) Carl Ring  33 points (5 rides)
2) Andy Havey  28 points (5 rides) 
3) Mark Pitts  21 points (3 rides) 
4) Jordan Greenberg  18 points (4 rides)
5) Ryanne Carmichael  17 points (4 rides)
6) David Jaffe 12 points (4 rides)
7) Armand Girouard  11 points (2 rides)
8) Pierre Gervez  10 points (1 ride)
9) Rachel Kelly-Martin  8 points (3 rides)
10) Ted McCahan 6 points (2 rides)
11) Ed Giunta 3 points (1 ride)
12) Charles 2 points (1 ride)
13) Kat Zalenski 1 point (1 ride)

Time Trial
1) Mark Pitts  21 points (3 rides) 
2) Carl Ring  20 points (3 rides)
3) Andy Havey  15 points (3 rides)
4) Ryanne Carmichael  9 points (2 rides)
5) Armand Girouard 8 points (1 ride)
6) Rachel Kelly-Martin  8 points (3 rides)
6) Jordan Greenberg  8 points (2 rides) 
6) David Jaffe 8 points (3 rides)
7) Ed Giunta 2 points (1 ride)
8) Ted McCahan 1 point (1 ride)

1) Carl Ring  13 points (2 rides)
1) Andy Havey  13 points (2 rides)
2) Pierre Gervez 10 points (1 ride)
2) Jordan Greenberg  10 points (2 rides)
3) Ryanne Carmichael  8 points (2 rides)
4) Ted McCahan 5 points (1 ride)
5) David Jaffe 4 points (1 ride)
6) Armand Girouard 3 points (1 ride)
7) Charles 2 points (1 ride)
8) Ed Giunta 1 point (1 ride)
8) Kat Zalenski  1 point (1 ride)
John Jurczynski & Ann Rasmussen 5 points (4 rides)

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