Monday, April 6, 2020

Social but Distant Series Start

Since we’re all at more than arms’ length these days and group riding is on hold (USAC, for example, recommends cancelling all events including group rides (, we’ve decided to do the start of the series a bit differently this year.  Strange times indeed, and we hope you’re all faring alright.

We will be doing a rider-report start to the series.  This means we will not meet on Tuesdays at 6PM – instead, we'll post the ride on Mondays and participants can do it at any point up through Sunday night.  Here are the rule changes:

1)  Complete the ride at some point during the week and email us your time ( by Sunday evening.

2)  We will post the results and give points.  There could be advantages depending on conditions (those headwind TTs are a blast!), so you could be strategic…  You could even do the time trials a few times and just give us your best performance.

3)  We will log your PRs, but course records are off limits until we’re back riding together.

4)  Please don’t use Strava to record your time – we didn’t create those segments and we’ve found that times from them can be unreliable. 

5)  All Hillclimbs must be done in time trial format; if for some reason you’re riding with anyone else, treat hillclimbs just like the TTs.  Each rider goes off on their own at ~30 second intervals/no drafting allowed. 

Information on the first ride is below.  If you do decide to ride, please be extra careful out there.  At this point, it may go without saying, but our local hospitals/healthcare providers need to focus on the Virus task at hand.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Short Time Trial

This is an individual time trial (no drafting), and riders will go off in 30 second intervals, ordered roughly from slower to faster. Points are given in descending order (if there are 10 riders, 1st place gets 10 points, 2nd place gets 9 points, etc.) Points go to your season tally.

Course: (Edit to add: The start is marked by a short, light blue stake across from South Station Rd) The relatively flat ~9.4 mile course runs from the South Station Road/Rt 3 intersection in Woodstock down to Campton. The finish line will be the big Thornton Auto Repair sign on the right (just after the bridge) as you ride south. We'll be collecting times at the finish, so bring a way to time yourself. 

Course Records:  M: Matt Kurz, 20:10, 7/9/19W: Jen Marts, 23:33, 7/9/19, T: John Jurczysnki & Ann Rasmussen, 20:45, 7/12/16

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